"Ask yourself in everything: What would the Lord have done ? and do it. It is your only rule, the absolute rule." Charles de Foucauld

Without faith, we look but we do not see. The stories of battle and personal overcoming are stories of Resurrection. They are stories that, in the light of Resurrection, are stories of transcendence, and of ETERNAL LIFE. Through the goals and challenges that life sets before us, we test our capacities and abilities, also our faith, and thanks to that, we can convert them into experiences of God, of Resurrection. If we never needed God’s, help, possibly, we would never have made Him present in our lives.

Life puts people before goals and challenges where the being or no being of a person is at stake. Moments when our capacities and our faith are tested. For this reason, they are existential moments where we can encounter God and thanks to God overcome such difficulties. They are moments that mark the passing through of the Lord in our life, as if it was a permanent Passover (Easter) and where we can experiment death and resurrection. There is no salvation without resurrection, there is no resurrection without the cross. Neither does ETERNAL LIFE exist without Resurrection, because what gives us ETERNAL LIFE is the experience of faith in Christ Resurrected.

 Faith is not certainty, it is not security, faith is trust and hope. Thanks to faith the human being is called to overcome and get over great problems and difficulties. Through the experience of pain, evil, suffering, and the cross, we can find God. God becomes present in our lives to overcome such difficulties.

"Giving all of ourselves to the Whole, without becoming parts of ourselves  For love to be authentic, it must cost us We cannot do great things, but we can do small things with great love. He who is not fit to serve is not fit to live. " Saint Teresa of Jesus.

"Take advantage of all the resources offered by the environment in your life, however small they may be. Each one of them will help you and make you grow. " Sebastian Taltavull. Obispo”